A Month of Thank Yous Gratitude Kit
Our frame-able postcards on heavy weight card stock let you touch 30 lives with sweetness and strengthen your ability to appreciate others. Your loving actions will reach further than you can imagine, and lift you up in love.
Love has wings. Love spreads and heals.
The Gratitude Guide (quick hints for using your kit) is also included.
The card set helps you focus on gratitude for one month. Start each day (for 30-consecutive days), with a quiet moment to think about someone who is a positive influence in your life. As you think about them, write a note on one card expressing your gratitude for them. Then mail or hand-deliver it.
You could choose a dear friend or family member, someone you haven’t seen in a while, the author of the last book you read that you couldn’t put down, your dentist, the check out person at your grocery store…the people to thank are endless!
Other Ways to Use the Kit:
- Hand a card to a stranger with a simple, uplifting message
- Invite your friends to coffee or lunch. Tell them one thing you love about them and one wish you have for them. Give them a card.
- Glue one image per day for 10-days in your Gratitude Journal. With each card, write what you are grateful for that day.
- Give away a Month of Thank Yous gratitude kit as a gift—use 1-card to present it.
- Pick your favorite card and frame it for yourself—it’s important that we are grateful for all the hard work we do ourselves.
This card pack is inspired by the film, Gratitude Grows, by Hailey Bartholomew seen on Oprah's Super Soul Sunday.