Transform and empower your life with ancient wisdom and holistic recipes from India’s 6,000-year-old healing system still powerfully relevant today.
The authors are a unique trio: physician, patient, and chef. Dr. Thomas Yarema M.D., director of Kerala Ayurveda, created an integrative dietary program rooted in common sense. Daniel Rhoda, an Ayurvedic practitioner who found healing through Ayurveda, demystifies the ancient science that helped restore his health. Chef Johnny Brannigan, an internationally trained Ayurvedic chef, has created more than 150 recipes to empower individual healing through the exploration of taste.
Eat • Taste • Heal is the recipient of 7 National Awards, including:
-USA Book News: Award Winner: Health/Diet Category
-ForeWord Magazine: Gold Medal Winner: Health
-Maverick Award for Excellence in Photography
-Writer’s Digest Magazine: Best Reference Book, International Self-Published
-USA Book News: Award Winning Finalist: Health/Alternative Medicine Category
-Nautilus Book Awards: Award-Winning Finalist: Food/Cooking/Nutrition
-ForeWord Magazine: Award-Winning Finalist: Cooking
Find the information you need to create a unique plan to maximize your wellness, including the basics of Ayurveda. You can also look forward to trying 150 easy-to-prepare recipes to support your new lifestyle using Western foods and familiar techniques.
This groundbreaking collaboration by Thomas Yarema, MD, Daniel Rhoda, a patient who credits Ayurveda with a personal healing, and Johnny Brannigan, an internationally recognized Ayurvedic chef, received a Maverick Award for excellence in photography.
You’ll want a copy to keep in your kitchen and another for your coffee table. Susan, our store manager, keeps one on her dining room table as a daily source of inspiration.
It's always a new year when you double down on health and happiness, check out Five Diet Tips to bring the healing power of Ayurveda into your kitchen now!