A Message from Messner Bee Farm:
Do your part to support your local honeybee population! Plant these wildflowers for a wonderful bouquet of color that the bees will LOVE. These flowers grow best in the Midwest and don't take much care after they sprout. The instructions are on the back of the card.
The seeds are easy to grow; the most important thing is that they receive at least 6 hours of sun. We created this special blend consisting of the following: shasta daisy, lance-leaf coreopsis, plains coreopsis, wild cosmos, sulphur cosmos, purple and yellow prairie coneflower, dwarf sunflower sunspot, sweet alyssum, borage, crimson clover, baby blue eyes, lacyphacelia, mexican hat, black-eyed susan, american marigold, strawberry clover, white dutch clover, italian oregano, zinna and more!